The New Oxonian

None of That

Dear Faithful or Discreet Reader:

The moniker above is chosen to reflect the fact that I am opening the site-door to short essays, reviews and opinion pieces other than my own short essays, reviews and opinion pieces. I will also consider poetry, if it is better than mine, and not-more-than 1500-word short stories, if they remind me of Guy de Maupassant.

Naturally, this is a happy day for everyone.

However, I still intend to dominate content and space, and your views must be so harmoniously akin to my own or so unalterably opposed as to merit my sharing the blanket.

Please send your work to me and, if approved, I’ll try to have it up in 72 hours, or let you know why it isn’t.

The theme of this site is “religion and culture,” which includes a lot but not everything. I am especially interested in pieces about humanism, atheism, religious trust-busting, good books, bad books (about religion) and books that need to be written. Imbecility is a frequent theme on these pages. I’m against it.

No human interest stories, paeans to favorite birds, and nothing strictly political or about Paris Hilton. In general, nothing that appears here should make people feel better about themselves. Jesus saves but the truth hurts.

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